Ashley River

Divine Artistry - Writing - Creative Mentoring - Soul Midwifery



    Seeking photography for a special creative project? I am your divine witness in the embodiment of your truest artistry. I work with artists of all kinds offering photography/visual art for album covers, books, editorials and other forms of visual storytelling.

  • Mentorship

    If you want to deepen your connection to your creative essence, cultivate a fertile foundation for your divine artistry, free your authentic voice, anchor your dreams, activate your soul song, and learn from me one-on-one, I offer a 4-month transformational private mentorship container. I work with artists/vessels for creation of all kinds, from singers, sound healers, writers, and doulas of life and death to energy workers, visual artists, poets, and more.

  • Writing

    To read the latest musings and teachings, check out my Substack.

    Or you can order my book Tending to the Sacred and Oracle deck Messages from the Heart of the Divine, available on Amazon, Sounds True, or wherever you purchase books.

  • Sessions

    Interested in a 1:1 session virtually? I offer one-off mentoring sessions as a way to ease into working with me, which include channeling/energy rending and guidance for creative attunement as you birth your soul light, dreams, and creative projects into form. I also offer deep Soul Regression journeys, which are 4-hour quantum reweaving sessions to witness and clear creative blocks, karmic contracts, and limitations from your soul’s history to align with your authentic expression and truth.

Current Projects


A two-part spoken word poetry album project mapping the heart’s evolution through separation, heartbreak, and grief to expansion, radical receptivity, and divine union.